Pre-Purchase Examinations (PPEs) are an important step in purchasing a horse and can be performed by our vets on behalf of our own clients as well as for non-registered clients.


We offer both types of PPE; a 2-stage or 5-stage. The different stages are as follows:

  • Stage 1: The horse is identified via its microchip and passport. A thorough clinical examination of the horse at rest is then performed to detect any apparent signs of injury, disease or physical abnormality. It includes a thorough palpation of all the limbs, listening to the heart and lungs with a stethoscope and an examination of the horse’s eyes in a dark stable with an ophthalmoscope.

  • Stage 2: Observation of the horse walking and trotting in hand in a straight line on a hard, level surface, including flexion tests of each limb. The horse is also trotted on a small diameter circle on a firm surface to detect subtle lameness issues.

  • Stage 3: Observation of the horse performing strenuous exercise. This is normally performed under saddle but can be performed on the lunge if the horse is unbroken. This allows further evaluation of the way the horse moves and behaviour under saddle. The heart and respiratory systems’ response to exertion is also assessed.

  • Stage 4:  The horse is returned to the stable for a rest period to give time for any stiffness induced by the exercise to become apparent. The heart and lungs are listened to again as the horse recovers from the exercise phase.

  • Stage 5: A second examination of the horse trotting up in hand. This is primarily to check that the strenuous exercise has not exacerbated a subtle underlying lameness problem. Flexion tests or trotting on a small diameter circle are sometimes repeated at this stage if indicated.

Blood Sampling

A blood sample is typically taken at the end of the PPE, with the sample stored for six months. The purchaser can request for the sample to be run if any concerns arise during that time to test for medications such as sedation or pain-killers.

Additional Procedures

Additional procedures such as radiographs, ultrasound scans or upper airway endoscopy may be performed in some PPEs at the clients request or at the vet’s recommendation. Some insurance companies may require additional procedures to be carried out – it is important for the purchaser to confirm this prior to the PPE.

PPE Certificates

After completion of the PPE, the vet forms an opinion as to whether any of their findings may affect the suitability of the horse for the intended use. These findings will be discussed with the purchaser and a PPE certificate written which includes a report of these findings. A copy of this certificate is usually required by the insurance company.

Pre-Purchase Consultations

We offer a pre-examination consultation where-by the vet will view previous radiographs and medical history of the horse you are thinking of purchasing. Please note that this service is not an official pre-purchase examination, and no report or certificate will be produced. The vet can only provide feedback to the best of their abilities based on the images and information presented to them.