VT Vets specialises in poor performance examinations and lameness investigations which can either be carried out on your yard or at our fully equipped clinic. We have the latest in portable, wireless, digital radiology and ultrasound scanning equipment and each vet carries a full range of this equipment to every call.
Dynamic assessment of the horse will usually be performed in-hand, on the lunge and under saddle if necessary. Further diagnostics can then be used to localise any lameness seen, such as nerve blocks or joint blocks. Imaging modalities such as digital radiography or ultrasound often follows to confirm a diagnosis. If referral for advanced imaging such as MRI or gamma scintigraphy is required, we work closely with many imaging specialists around the UK making this an easy process.
There are increasing numbers of treatment options available for orthopaedic conditions in horses, whether that be for bone or soft tissue injuries. All of these treatments can be performed either at your yard or at our clinic. Treatments available to our patients include, but are not limited to:
Joint medications - multiple products are available including corticosteroids, hyaluronic acid, arthramid and biological options such as alpha-2.
Pro-Stride - a biological treatment processed from your horse’s own blood. This new treatment is processed stable-side and has regenerative capabilities which can be used for both soft tissue injuries and joint conditions such as osteoarthritis.
Alpha-2 Macroglobulin - a new biological treatment processed from your horse’s own blood, processed stable-side. This is typically used as a potent anti-inflammatory and can be used in both joints and in soft tissue injuries. A couple of the main advantages of this treatment are its safe use in laminitic-prone horses and that it has no competition withdrawal time due to its biological nature.
Extracorporeal shockwave therapy - shockwave therapy can be used for an array of soft tissue injuries to provide pain relief as well as stimulate tissue regeneration, increase blood flow and promote bone growth.
Acupuncture can be performed to help with a range of musculoskeletal conditions including muscle soreness, back pain and osteoarthritis. It can also be used to help with neurological conditions such as head-shaking.
If surgical or specialist treatment is required for your horse’s orthopaedic complaint, we also work closely with many of the UK’s top equine specialist surgeons and sports medicine consultants and can arrange a prompt and smooth referral process.